Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I survived August 25th, 2010

I thought it would be worse. I actually thought I would die and told several people those exact words " I am going to die!", but I didn't. I thought I would cry all day and not want to get out of bed, but I actually went to work. I thought I would not want to eat and would continue to physically wither away, but I actually did the opposite and carbed up for Hood to Coast with the annual work BBQ;)

Everyday gets easier. Everyday I realize how much better off I am. My girlfriend's husband tells me often and sweetly "he just did someone out there such a big favor." And I am beginning to realize that. I know he gave up something that someone else out there will appreciate much more.

I survived my ex-anniversary and I am here to tell all of you out is just a day and it too shall pass. It's just a memory that in time will fade, and for now I am just happy I was able to reflect on it and not grieve it. One day at a time.

On an even happier note.....36 hours until Hood To Coast!


  1. You've made progress and that's great. WOW, can't believe your BIG race is here already. Good luck and enjoy.

  2. You were on my mind all day long, Hunny Bunny. You're gonna be just fine. Wish I could be there to watch you run!!!!
    Your Mama


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