Thursday, February 24, 2011

Growing up in Reno I took the snow for granted. And I am homesick for it today:(

I appreciated how beautiful it could make the brown desert in just a few simple hours, and how I could miss school all day due to it's relentless ambush on the biggest little city.

I loved how quiet it could make everything, and how it cracks under your feet. And how it makes the darkest night still bright enough you would think a porch light was on somewhere you just couldn't see.
I realize how much I loved it and just watching it come down, my family having a fire going and everyone having hot chocolate:)
I realize how much I loved it most, of course when it snows in Portland. I have lived in this snowless city for going on 13 years. Gosh, time flys. And I hate to.... but love to say, this snowless city has now had snow the past 5-6 years. Yes it's brief and nothing like Reno, but it is still a little taste of what I miss.
I kind of love even watching the less experienced snow folk freak out about driving or even going to work (rain or shine my job as a nurse MUST go on). And how the city goes into panic with snow tires and snow machines for just an inch or two of natures powdered sugar.

I need to get to Reno soon for a visit and just some good old fashion playtime in the sierra Nevada snow:)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I am my mother's daughter when it comes to time management and organization (or should I say disorganization).
I am nothing like my sister in these categories, wish as I may.... I am not.
I would like to think I am not a "YES" girl, and I am trying to be a more "ME" girl. But truth is, I am a yes girl and want my cake and eat it too:) kind of girl.
And sometimes I just feel like I get off track, off kilter, or just plan out of whack with everything at once.
Currently I look like the aftermath of a tornado on paper......

1. My physical state is a mess. Yes I am riding my bike more than usual but I have been eating everything unhealthy insight and not running as much as I should......that stupid workout wagon. So today I ran 2 miles and thought I was going to heave in front of this little old lady walking the track at Nike (this would have been mortifying, thank goodness I contained myself). I have found when I am not taking care of myself I start to unravel with these really bummer migraines....too many lately to count but I am taking it as a warning that things MUST change now if I want them to end.

2. My work environment has been uncomfortable, disorganized, stressful and not much fun at all. I am finding I have been dreading setting foot in the place, I usually love to be. So tomorrow I am getting up early, weather permitting walking the pooches and having coffee all in preparation for finding my happy zone at work again:)

3. My goal of graduate school has been deleted. This obviously was not "meant" to be, but it still smarts a little and I am trying to pull my big girl britches up and just deal with it. I am left feeling sub par, but really it is THEIR loss :p I think I may have been too much for them to handle anyways:)

4. And I think sleep deprivation is just the icing on the cake....or cupcake made of mud I have been eating this week. So I will be in bed by 10pm everyday this week! I need my beauty rest.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life, and my life. And I am going to try to let go and breathe. I don't know the plan but I am on the train.

I am hoping the train is heading to a beach on Hawaii......

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I get the message loud and clear. I will not be taking the left hand turn.
But now my options are straight or right!
I get it, I get left, but still not even a hint?
This is the current conversation in my frustrated brain.

I need a plan...or maybe that is the message......I do not need a plan?

Hmmmmm, now how to learn to NOT have a plan:)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

As I mentioned a couple of posts ago.... I did not come from the most athletic family. Sorry mom and dad but it's true. We didn't go on hikes together as a family or really even walks all that often. Yes my parents did get us into skiing/snowboarding and always supported sports like basketball, but really I didn't grow up with this yearning of the NEED to exercise. My sister and I have discussed this in great length and it is a hard habit to gain without it being part of your upbringing.
I look back over the years since college at how hard I have tried to get in shape, find my niche in the workout world, and just be consistent. I have done pilates, hot bikram yoga, spinning class, workout at the gym with girlfriends before work/after work, hiking, snowshoeing, really you name it.
But a couple years ago I bought my first rode bike and started running. First the goal was a 5K , then 10K, and hood to coast. Biking was the goal of commuting to work and just riding to be more active.
So I have completed hood to coast twice. The second time much more prepared and graceful (if you can be graceful running) and with better speed. But each time after the race I slowly stop running consistently and fall off my workout wagon. I fall off and stop pushing myself and slowly lose any kind of endurance I once had. Why? Why? Why? Why do I do this to myself?

But with my Team in Training's "Most Beautiful Bike Ride," I have been riding every weekend. Which this last Sunday Mr. Big Dog joined me for a 25 mile ride (since I couldn't make the sat training with the team). I just love having a partner I can actually do things I love with:) Now I just need to get more focused on my fundraising......any ideas out there?

Monday, February 14, 2011

The V-shaped bone above the breastbone in most birds consisting of the fused clavicles; furcula. Called the the wishbone from the custom of two people breaking apart the bone after eating: the person with the longer part makes a wish.

I like jewelry, what girl doesn't. And I like watching movies, what girl doesn't:) So I was watching a movie a while back with Jennifer Aniston in it and she had on this simple wishbone necklace. I loved it and ever since have been looking for one....of course her's was very expensive and from Barney's. But I just love the simplicity of it and the thought behind a wishbone. I mean someone, at sometime made up this custom of pulling apart the bone and the winner of the larger half getting a wish. It's funny how we (people in general) are always coming up with fantasies of getting a wish. Like holding your breath through a tunnel, blowing on a fallen eyelash, and blowing out birthday know we all love the chance to wish for something:)
So Mr. Big Dog (being his thoughtful self) found me my wishbone;)
And come to think of it, I think he has made a couple of my wishes even come true:) So sweet and never boring, Mr. Big Dog may have been just the ingredient I needed to have the best Valentines Day ever!

Friday, February 4, 2011

As I get ready for today's ride, I have been thinking about how far I've come. I've said it before but I don't come from the most athletic family. My dad ran cross-country in high school (they say he was pretty awesome) and my mom's claim to fame was badminton. Really, badminton. Which for the record NOT a sport. Oh and she was a sign holder for the band (which is more of a modeling thing in my mind), again not a sport:) Sorry mom, you did not play a sport in highschool.
Anyways, I played a little bit of basketball, a little water polo, maybe a short venture with volleyball, and then a little track in high school. I was never great at any of them. I was way more the social butterfly with student council and assembly planning. And of course I snowboarded:)
But now I look at the last couple of years and I can say I run, bike, snowboard and a consistent basis. Or at least I try. I think my mind and body have transitioned from making myself do these things, to loving them.
I can now not go longer than a week max without doing one of them. And I really think it's important that you have friends and people in your life that will do them with you. Mr. Big Dog is pretty athletic himself, which I love. There is something really great about going on a run with boyfriend or snowboarding:) And he decided to start his own blog about his xtra-curriculars....I already told him I don't want to be on his nifty camera too much:)
This is his first blog and I think he's off to a great start:) but I am a little bias...he is my Mr. Big Dog after all.

I read that on a card once....babies are a nice way to start people. And it really is true. They are so sweet. My girlfriend had her first baby on February 2nd. She had a bumpy pregnancy with lots of nausea but I think it was all well worth it. I through her a shower just in time (last Sunday!) and the little one came on Wednesday.
I snuck over to her house and decorated her porch to properly welcome her little bundle of joy home for the very first time.

My mom helped me make the banner with her can find them on her blog.

My girlfriend was surprised and now the neighborhood knows there a new little one on the block...and did I mention she's adorable:)

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