Thursday, November 22, 2012

I love love love all the photos we had taken at our home with Jonah when he was just a week old. was our photographer and they are so beautiful. She was here all day and Jonah wasn't necessarily the best subject, especially when he pooped on Daddy:)

These are just and handful of my favorites:) And I'm having the hardest time deciding which ones to order:) Awwww, shut a bad dilemma to have:)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Geeze louise, Jonah is already3 weeks old!! I feel behind but can't seem to get anything done with the new little bossman running my house. I'm sure it's a common feeling from what I hear and have read. So I am going to let go and just enjoy the ride. I know he'll only be sooooo small for a short while. I know the baby book will still be there and the announcements will get ordered. But for today I am just going to cuddle and feed him, and really do whatever he wants;)

Time is flying and day to day I am still figuring out this new momma thing:) Everyday I feel like his little personality is shining more brightly and he's getting use to life on the outside in this crazy world. He's got this seriousness in eyes at times like he understands everything. And he's started cooing when his belly is full after one of our one on one breastfeeding sessions (btw breastfeeding has been my other full time job this past 3 weeks.....sooo hard!! But I think we have finally started to get it down).

So for now the blog will continue to be neglected.....for I am too busy loving my little bossman and trying to manage what I can...which currently not much:)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mr. Big Dog and I had several names for each a boy and a girl picked out since we opted to not find out what we were having. But Jonah was the only name that we really had a foundation behind...which is interesting since we ended up having a boy.

We had a couple signs with the name, like I have a childhood Jonah and the Whale sculpture in our family room and a church handout about Jonah and the whale, that  happen to be in the Bible when we decided to look at biblical names.

The deeper reason might be described as...  Jonah didn't listen to God a couple of times and each time was still forgiven and taken care of despite this.  This story applies to both of our lives and we anticipate it will also apply to our little Jonah.  We are not perfect by any means and even when we have messed things up, we have experienced God's quick forgiveness and blessings when sought.  We see our baby Jonah as one of those blessings Mr. Big Dog and I have received after facing our own storms and turning to God for help in the ocean of life.  Jonah happens to be our Whale :-)

So when our tank of a little man came out it became an obvious choice.

We have hopes and dreams for Jonah, but know there will be times in his life he will encounter his own battles and challenges. We know God will watch over him, as he has us.....

Plus look at what an angel he is:) He definitely came straight from Heaven:)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I am so blessed. I am so lucky. I am fortunate.

Jonah Matthew Rios came on Saturday October 27th, at 8:28pm. He was 9.9lbs, 21.5 inches long and practically climbed and crawled his way out into this world. His demeanor so far is strong and sweet. He seems to have this thoughtfulness behind his eyes like he's saying "yes I know you've been waiting for me, but you had things to do and so did I before I came."

His coming into this world was a true test of my physical endurance, my mental will power and honestly my trust in a power way higher than myself.

I love my husband more now than I ever thought humanly possible. He is so loving and selfless. He is so supportive and amazing. He is my other half.

God definitely does not disappoint in the not giving you more than you can handle department right now in our household. He gave my husband and I the thrill and scare of a lifetime within hours of Jonah's birth. We were humbled to ashes by him with a quick change in my body a couple hours after delivery and I was close to leaving my husband with a new baby on this Earth alone.

 From elated to scared in seconds, his power is so strong. He saved me within those next minutes/hours and continues to show me second to second how much Mr. Big Dog, little Jonah and I can handle together now as a family.

I'm physically weaker than I've ever been, but stronger spiritually than ever. I am grateful for my life, my husband and of course my new little man.

I had heard a baby really makes you stop to smell the roses......I couldn't agree more:)

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