So, I've been a little MIA because I just couldn't think or write a word without spilling the beans. You see, when Mr. Big Dog asked me for forever, I screamed YES from the rooftop. Yes to being with him for all my life and yes to being is other half. But the more we talked wedding plans, the more my stomach knotted and all plans seemed overwhelming and expensive. Not to mention all for show, and not really for us. Don't get me...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Up with the moon

We have been so busy around our house. I was working consecutive days up until Friday and Mr. Big Dog was out of town twice in the past week. The dogs even seem confused as to if we are coming or going lately. This weekend I got our house Christmas-fied for our first real Christmas together and I must say between my mom's creative assistance...