Monday, October 27, 2014

I can't believe he's two today. He's growing too fast. Lightning speed and to match he is a whirlwind of endless energy and constant conversation. He's sweet, observant and so interested in everything life has to offer. He made me a mama and has given me the lesson of slowing down to see the world through his new eyes everyday. Things like...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Life gets busy and hectic quickly lately. It's hard to remember what day it is and all the sudden another week has blown by. This is such a short and busy season and it seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with Jonah. Now Miah is half a year old.  This time is sweet but hard. Hard to get anything done on a do list. But not...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart. - Jeremiah 1:5 Pork chop, cuddle-butt, buba, little brother, Jeremiah cha cha cha, little man, Miah, sweet Jeremiah are just a handful of the names we have for him. The fourth member of our Team is fitting in perfectly. He loves his big brother and watches...

Friday, April 25, 2014

God only gives you as much as you can handle right? Poor little mister has officially been diagnosed with colic...and a severe case at that. He has had some miserable days and tends to really be the most uncomfortable from 2 to 4 am unfortunately. His tummy seems upset and at times there is nothing I or anyone else can do to soothe him. He's...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Two days overdue, exhausted and just plain ready we went with the advice of our midwife to have an induction on March 19th. I'm not gonna lie, it was scary. After our last birth experience with Jonah and knowing too much being in health care myself, induction might as well been a four letter word. I of course trusted whole heartily my midwife...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Expectations are hard to overcome. Due dates are a joke in my body's world. And it's horrible how my mind can put me into a tail spin of stress resulting in my first migraine in probably 7-8 months. Maybe it's the hormones, but my pounding head seems to have a direct correlation to my racing thoughts and fears about this upcoming delivery date. Of course I can't make myself go into labor. And I can't have any complete peace of...

Friday, March 7, 2014

My wedding ring officially does not fit anymore due to weight/swelling. Nothing really fits at this point, even most of the maternity is ill fitting and tight. Nothing comfortable except sexy sweat pants that actually have a hole on seam of the crotch. I'm almost 39 weeks and in the last 5 miles of this mental marathon. I don't know if it's just me, or do others get to this point? If they do they mask it well. I'm physically...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's probably totally normal to compare pregnancy one to number two, but from everything I've read lately they can be polar opposite in every single way. With little mister I never had a single second of nausea, but I did have this black hole of hunger that would over come me in the first trimester. I'm talking HANGRY hunger and even after...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Jonah is the sweetest little man I could have ever dreamed of. He is cuddly at times, giving his daddy and I "loves" and wild at times when he takes off running through the snow in the yard (which btw only happens once every 5 years or so here in the pacific northwest) and stomping his feet in complete rebellion about going inside when...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My newest little is due in just 7 short weeks. EKKKK! How did that happen? I remember last pregnancy counting days and wishing it was the half way mark at like week 10. And now this time around it's blown by and I am feeling like just yesterday I was sharing the news with Mr. Big Dog that there were two pink lines on the pregnancy test. So...
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