Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My mom is pretty awesome

She of course has her own blog here.....and she is always super busy doing a million things at once (I wondered where I got that trait). Anyways, I have not been great about taking a lot of pictures of my belly progression:( I know, I know, I intended to but when you don't feel great or anything close to pretty your picture taking confidence seems to suffer.
So I asked my mamacita to come take some pics......she can make a paper bag look good:) Thanks mom:)

 The last one was just for fun:) I thought we were doing a funny face, while the hubs thought it was serious time;)

I'm 6 1/2 months:) Part of me feels like it flew by and the other part feels like the next 2 1/2 months are sooooooo far away.


  1. It's easy to take great pictures of such a cutie-patootie couple and their baby bump!!!!! I can't wait for that lil' baby to get here!
    Your Mama (Gramma Cupcake)

  2. She is pretty awesome!! I love all the pictures!!


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